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Fenchem expands its business by combining its digital and offline business

“Thanks to Kemiex we have been able to explore a digital approach for our business without losing our connections to the industry”

Matteo Masetto
Key Account Manager

Fenchem Biochemie GmbH

Company profile
Headquartered in Nanjing, China, but with direct presence in 5 continents, Fenchem has sales, servicing, and warehousing around the globe. They have established their brand as one of quality, consistency, and reliability. For more than two decades they have dedicated themselves to service and logistics, state-of-the-art manufacturing, and quality materials selections. Their global team has the knowledge and the commitment to support any company and customers.

We recently attended Eurotier, one of the world’s largest animal feed fairs. Once there, we had the opportunity to talk to Matteo Masetto, Key Account Manager of Fenchem Biochemie GMbH about his experience with Kemiex. Fenchem have dedicated themselves to service and logistics, state-of-the-art manufacturing, and quality materials selection for more than two decades.

How do you see digitalisation in life science?

It is obvious to everyone that digitalisation is here to stay, and that covid forced companies to adopt technology faster than many might have expected.

Some companies believe that going digital is an all-or-nothing, a yes or no choice, but I disagree with that opinion. Rome wasn’t built in one day, and the same happens with digital transformation in companies. It is the duty of managers to keep an eye out for new business opportunities and have an open mind to new projects.

How is Fenchem approaching digitalisation?

We believe digitalisation is a journey where companies should find their combination of “the old and the new” to benefit from the best of both worlds, online and offline. For the last few years, we have been making efforts to introduce technology in our processes, which has helped us to grow faster than many other companies in the industry.

As a company with global presence, we have made it clear from the beginning that we have a certain way of acting in business.

We like to deal with customers face-to-face, visit them regularly, and connect personally in order to maintain such precious relationships. However, we can’t overlook the advantages of digitalisation, such as efficiency, organisation, the global scope of your purchases and sales and the increase in visibility of the company in online channels.

It is for these reasons that Fenchem has decided to take a neutral approach to the question of whether or not to digitise the company. In short, we benefit from both worlds, choosing the advantages that help us the most. In this regard, Kemiex has proven to be extremely helpful for us to develop new business and stay updated about global markets, while keeping close contact with our clients offline.

How has Kemiex helped you so far?

While we continue to do business with long-standing customers in the traditional way, we are exploring new business opportunities thanks to the Kemiex platform.

Firstly, we have gained access to a large network of reliable companies from all around the world, both for buying and selling raw materials. In addition, we have started to increase our presence in the industry thanks to our activity on the marketplace.

When it comes to information, thanks to Kemiex we have been able to find out about relevant market events faster, which allowed us to react timely and make better decisions. Such information is facilitated in Kemiex via the Market News, where we can read about what’s happening in the industry, directly from the original sources, the Price Trends, which graphically show the evolution of key products, and the Trade Flows which visualizes quantities and prices at which many products have been exported and imported.

Kemiex is always the first to publish relevant news when market events happen. By sharing the original source, they prove to be a truthful and trustworthy service.

Would you recommend Kemiex?

After some time using it, I can confirm that we have seen a lot of potential in Kemiex, and have already seen its fruits within the first year.

Even if we plan to keep doing business the old way, we also consider it is very important to be up-to-date and explore the obvious benefits that digitalisation provides.