🚢 Infographic: The 30 busiest ports in the world. Check the largest ports worldwide and their crucial role in global trade. Download now.


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a complex environment

Kemiex is a all in one purchasing, sales and market information solution for the feed industry.

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Procurement teams in the food industry rely on Kemiex’ expertise and data-driven analysis to confidently navigate the market. With a clear understanding of trends and opportunities, you can make informed choices for optimal business outcomes.


Intel on the feed industry so you can price strategically and increase global exposure

Access vital intelligence on the ever-evolving food industry, empowering strategic pricing decisions. Leverage market insights to expand your global presence and seize new growth opportunities effectively.

Stay ahead in the competitive feed sector with data-driven knowledge. Understand industry trends, X, and Y to position your brand strategically and achieve global success.


Market intel in feed, with livestock production and FOB prices

As a feed industry trader, Market Radar equips you with the edge needed for smarter buying and selling decisions. Stay informed about supply, demand, and livestock production, enabling smarter trade strategies.

Navigate the market confidently with data-backed insights. From identifying lucrative deals to optimizing your product offerings, our intel empowers you to seize opportunities and maximize profitability in the food industry.

“By leveraging Kemiex’s platform, Ferrero achieved improved access to market news and reports. This facilitated a deeper understanding of market dynamics, encompassing trends, pricing, and worldwide key market participants through Supply Map.”

Christian Vincenti

Purchase Manager

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Explore more from Kemiex
for the feed sector

Whether you want to digitalise your procurement processes, enhance supply chain transparency or have intel for the right purchasing decision, Kemiex can help with that.

The 30 busiest ports in the world.

The 30 busiest ports in the world.

Sea transport is a crucial component of global goods transportation, with ports playing a vital role. According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), over 90% of global trade is conducted…
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Animal Nutrition: Mega trends 2024

Animal Nutrition: Mega trends 2024

The animal nutrition ingredients market, encompassing additives and premix, currently stands at USD 23.5 billion. This infographic addresses the impact of growing population and rising standards of living on animal agriculture.
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Infographic: Exports L-Threonine China to World

Infographic: Exports L-Threonine China to World

The role of China in the world of raw materials Global trade of raw materials for human and animal nutrition is crucial for the global economy, with China playing a…
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Market Report: China exports of 19 key ingredients in 1Q 2024

Market Report: China exports of 19 key ingredients in 1Q 2024

The first quarter of 2024 has shown major changes in export quantities from China as compared to 2023 when China re-opened from COVID-19.
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