📈 Current State of Raw Materials 2024: Explore market trends, supply chain challenges, and opportunities. Download the report.

KEMIEX nominated Top 50 Swiss startup by BILAN and UBS

LAUSANNE, Hôtel Royal Savoy – Leading Swiss business magazine BILAN (BILANZ) and global bank UBS nominated KEMIEX as one of the Top 50 Swiss Startups to Invest in 2019. Investments of up to CHF 2 million can be considered.


The annual trade volume for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), vitamins and other food & feed additives is estimated at USD 300 billion, whereby ~90% are traded based on long-term contracts. With a secular shift of production to China and India and increasingly volatile markets, the share of spot transactions is growing. Traditional brokers and agents often charge commissions between 3-6% to arrange spot transactions. Encouraged by a private network of seasoned pharma and raw materials specialists in Switzerland, Pau Franquet and Oriol Saludes, both with a background in electronic trading and financial services, have joined forces to create a pioneering online trading platform dedicated to this market with industry leading commissions and other benefits for buyers, traders and sellers. Thanks to an unprecedented strategic partnership with Dutch Atradius, a leader in global credit insurance, the trade platform, which has attracted more than 150 user companies since its launch in September, conducts a strict quality and financial selection of participants for its premium network. This unique selection process is overseen by Dr. André Rieks, a Qualified Person and auditor to the industries in scope. The vision of Kemiex is


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