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Supply Map: Global suppliers of Vitamins

The global production of raw materials is a critical component of the pharmaceutical and human and animal nutrition industry. Vitamins in specific play a key role which affects most sectors in lifescience. Understanding the geographical distribution of key vitamin producers is essential for stakeholders to manage uncertainty and mitigate potential risks.

This infographic delineates the location of all manufacturers responsible for producing essential vitamins (A, B Complex, C, D, E, and K) in the world. The full product list of vitamins depicted can be found in the first piece published a few months ago. When looking at the map, a few primary regions emerge:

East China is a significant (if not the most important) player in the global supply of essential vitamins. The region’s robust infrastructure, technological advancements, and extensive industry experience position it as the leading supplier in the vitamin market, many of which are only or mostly produced in China.

Central Europe emerges as a vital hub for vitamin production, contributing significantly to the global supply chain. The region’s advanced manufacturing capabilities and strategic location enhance its prominence in the industry.

West India also features prominently on the map as a key producer of essential vitamins. The region’s rich resources, recent growth and expertise in pharmaceutical manufacturing bolster its position in the global market.

Gain valuable insights into the geographical distribution of vitamin production. Understanding the concentration of producers of key ingredients is essential for informed decision-making and strategic planning in the industry.

This infographic provides a visualization of the global landscape of vitamin production, empowering industry professionals to navigate market dynamics with clarity and confidence. Check out Supply Map for an interactive, detailed and curated map of manufacturers of vitamins and hundreds of other products worldwide.